Tuesday, February 9, 2010

WSU Reports on Research into North Cascades Archaeology

From the current issue of WSU's Washington State Magazine comes this fascinating report about the research of Bob Mierendorf, long-time North Cascades Institute field instructor and former NCI board member. (Note that Mierendorf teaches a class at NCI every July.)
"[Bob] Mierendorf has spent the last couple of decades trying to convince the archaeological establishment that pre-contact Northwest Indians did not confine themselves to the lowlands, but lived in the North Cascades and frequented the high country. When Mierendorf first started working at the park, Cascade Pass was one of 17 archaeological sites identified within it. Since then, he has identified nearly 300 more. Forty-five of those sites are located between 4,000 and 7,000 feet."
 Bob Mierendorf, Park Archeologist for North Cascades National Park Photo: Zach Mazur
Read the full article with photos at http://wsm.wsu.edu/s/index.php?id=764


Tim Manns said...

It should be noted that Bob Mierendorf is, and has been for many years, the Park Archeologist for North Cascades National Park rather than a WSU researcher.

Phil Fenner said...

Corrected - thanks! I wonder what the WSU connection is...