Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Pete Jackson calls for completion of the Park on Crosscut.com

Pete Jackson calls for completion of the Park, on Crosscut.com. We couldn't agree more!

Completing the North Cascades National Park would be a gift for our future

By Peter Jackson
These feel like the worst of times, with a stymied economy and basement-level confidence in the nation's political class. All of us ache for something -- anything -- to restore a sense of hope and national purpose.

For lawmakers, Priority One must be jobs and the federal budget. Along the way, however, we also need to address the problem, real or perceived, of impoverished leadership.

There is an opportunity, however minor in the broader scheme of life, to demonstrate farsightedness and bipartisanship. It's called the American Alps Legacy Project, and it centers on our own back yard: the North Cascades National Park.
More... http://www.heraldnet.com/article/20110925/OPINION03/709259983

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